
About Us

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Established in 2008 as Ekinoks Çelik Metal, our main goal is to maximize our production and manufacturing policy and ensure its continuity by ensuring that the molds and apparatus required to produce the semi-finished products made of stainless steel and the finished products that can be formed from this material are made within our own organization. As Ekinoks family, our primary principles are to deliver high quality, zero defects products along with safe and fast delivery to our customers and we also aim to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level.

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Our company, which has embraced the principle of quality, service excellence, and unconditional customer satisfaction, also procures consultancy services to its customer with its technical staff. It ensures complete service to its customers with all the technological facilities required by today.

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Our main goal is to meet the expectations of our customers and consumers at the highlest level by providing quality products and reliable services within the constantly developing organizational structure of Ekinoks Çelik Metal, and to make it a sought-after brand in the sector of stainless steel manufacturing.

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It is our company’s quality policy to comply with the quality management system requirements, to continuously improve the quality management system, and to not compromise on service quality under any circumstances in order to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

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